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Louhi fuzz

  • Louhi fuzz
  • Louhi fuzz
  • Louhi fuzz

Louhi fuzz carries on the tradition of the Tone Bender mkII. Besides the volume and attack, there is a depth control which adjust the low and middle frequencies. Also there is an additional gain stage at the output to provide plenty of volume, because nothing is more lame than a fuzz pedal without enough output. The overall sound is quite vicious, but still it maintains the clarity and focus. From s u s t a i n i n g leads to megalithic riffs, this simple wicked little box delivers it all.

This is an old school circuit and it won't like buffers in front of it. The heart of the fuzz is matched NOS Soviet germanium transistors.

The enclosures are chemically etched and blackened with patina, which makes the surface vary and therefore unique. Sometimes the treatment can appear little bit rugged, but that only adds character.

Pedals are handmade with the high quality components by V. Ajomo of DBR / WALOVOID. Lifetime guarantee in normal abuse.

"I wanted to explore the origins of the fuzz. The legendary Tone Bender mkII resonated as perfect foundation for that. I didn't want to alter the original character too much, just to guide it into more sinister path with few crucial modifications. The name comes from the Finnish mythology, Louhi is the evil sorceress queen of the north, a shapeshifter and origin of all malicious things, but has the most beautiful daughters. This is my reverence to the great old ones."
-V. Ajomo

"Classic pedal with an evil twist. Crushing fuzz tones with absolutely exploding pick attack and incredible sustain and clarity. What can I say - Outstanding work from VOID once again. You’ll be hearing this fuzzgun a lot on our upcoming album!"
-Jesse Jaksola / Polymoon

Pedal operates only with standard negative ground 9V DC 2.1 mm connector.

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